Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm Back

Vacation was great. I have a lot of great pictures for all of you. When I was on vacation with all our friends and there kids, it made me just want a family even more. To hear the kids laugh and play and just have so much fun. I can't wait to expience that with my own child. Tim and I did so much with the kids. I swam with them, we played cards with them, took them out for ice cream, also mini golf. We just had so much fun. Tim and I kept saying we can't wait until it is our turn and how these friends of ours are so lucky to have a family. I am really excited about this Thursday. It is the day of our homestudy with DHS. I know we have already done a homestudy but I am kind of nervous. I know there is nothing to be nervous about but when they ask you all these questions you want them to know you are good parents and you want to make sure you show them how child proof the house is which is hard when you don't have children yet. I had to look through my old stuff when I first started to remember everything they look for. I think the one thing I forgot all about was the water being at a certain degree. I like hot water and the degree they want it at is cool so I forget that. I know it will be fine I am nervous for nothing I have done this before. We will get through it. Nobody ever tells you how many hoops and emotions you will go through in this process until you are there. I have my 28th birthday coming on August 23 and our 5 year anniversary of us married on August 28 and August 2 was 10 years since we meet. I hope we have a great month. I hope my dreams of becoming a mother come true. I love kids and being up north with all them reminded me how much I want them and love them. Just the simple things like the giggles, playing tag, running with them and seeing the excitment and joy on there faces are well worth it.

Well anyway here are some pictures of water and sunsets the last few days on vacations. Hope you like them.

Now this next picture is a once in a lifetime picture. I say that because Tim is 6' 3" tall so he is a tall and big guy and when he came up to me and said "do you want to go paddel boating with me" I was in shock. So I asked my father in law to take this picture as proof and evidence.hahaahh.

I want to share more photos and I will in my next blogg but I am having trouble with my connections and I have to ask Tim to fix it. Sorry. I keep trying to upload picture and it keep wanting to connect to our old internet source where since we have used a new company for over a year and it is giving me trouble. Let me ask Tim and I promise I will show you some more great pictures I would love to share. I missed talking on this thing but it was a nice and great vacation. Maybe I wil try to blogg again if this network thing gets better on Thursday so I can tell you all how our homestudy went because she comes over Thursday morning around 9. So hopefully I can catch you all up then. Till then talk to you all real soon.


  1. Those are some beautiful pictures.

    I'm glad your trip was fun. Five years is something to celebrate; I hope it's a good day. I hope you don't have to wait much longer. The waiting sucks and gets so hard sometimes. I have the hardest time thinking I have NO control over when I become a mother. At least when we were still trying to conceive I felt like I was doing something. This waiting can be so long! We've been approved for over 18 months, I hope you don't have to wait that long.
    Good luck with the homestudy, it will be fine! They'll be able to see what great parents you will make.

    I did find out that Blogger is aware of their problem and they are working on it, but I don't know how long that will take. At least they know.

  2. oh I remember all the feelings you are having...especially hanging out with our friends kids and getting excited thinking about when we have our own kids! Good luck with the homestudy..make sure to update us Thursday =)

  3. Thanks ladies. I appreciate the encouragment. I have been waiting for 11 months so far so not quiet as long as 18 months but we keep creeping up there ever month that goes by feels like eternity. Thanks Savannah for looking into the blogging issue I appreciate that. I didn't hear about anyone else having the problem so I didn't know if it was just me.

  4. Congrats on 5 years together!! I'm excited for you this Thursday to finally get Home study done. I took a whole day off of work to stay home and clean. I was so nervous but he didn't stay that long. Each state is different so I don't know how long yours is going to be, but good luck and I'll be thinking of you on Thursday!!

  5. Wow! What great pics! Your husband is so tall!!!! Sounds like you had a super vacation. We need one! I do hope that your precious baby finds you soon. You will be wonderful parents!!! Blessings...
